The importance of sustainable freight transport

The world has its sights set on sustainability. And is not for less. Climate change is no longer a question of the future, but we are living in the present and every time administrations and governments put more effort into educating and raising awareness of the importance of investing in policies that help to have a better planet in the future .

In transport and logistics the implications are crystal clear. The tendency is to minimize emissions without losing efficiency. But how to achieve a sustainable freight transport with these premises? Is it feasible? Realistic? Is it already being applied?

What is a sustainable land freight transport?

The principles by which we can talk about a sustainable transport in goods by land are based on the following premises:

Analysis of data. The data provide us with information and, if we interpret this information correctly, we will be able to improve the management systems that benefit us all. Among other things, they will help us improve routes and frequencies. This means that specialists in urgent transport will be able to choose the most efficient routes that will help them reduce downtime, optimize speed and, with this, better manage their resources. It benefits everyone, the environment, the client because it can obtain better prices from its logistics operator and the professional.

New fuels. The introduction of fleets that are supplied with less polluting fuels, will help the sustainability of the environment. For this, the first challenge of the sector is to reduce its dependence on oil and vehicle manufacturers to bet on the research and development of new proposals close to electric or hybrid vehicles.

Helps to renew fleets. Another interesting measure is to have renewed fleets that include, for example, the automatic stop of engines that are not in operation. In addition, the use of vehicles adapted in size to the routes and packages with which it operates, is vital not to waste resources in all senses (both economic and environmental).

Planning. Transport companies require qualified professionals capable of organizing and planning routes and schedules that reduce unnecessary or underutilized travel. In this sense, computer and management software can be of great help, but there will always have to be planners that adapt them according to the needs of the company and the client, that is, a professional team that supports and adapts the use of These fundamental tools.

New packaging methods. Reduce as much as possible the size and weight of the boxes used for shipments. That they are always manufactured with recycled materials and that they do not abuse the use of plastics and cardboard except when necessary.

Energy efficiency. Invest in alternative solutions that are valuable for the environment, such as wide tires that increase the rolling resistance that favor the efficient use of fuel.

Programs with GPS. In general, programs that show drivers the most advantageous places to refuel.

Formation programs. Awareness and sensitivity for the environment through training to all those involved in logistics tasks.